“Dude Weed Lmao” is a catchphrase used to impersonate and mock members of the stoner subculture and as a spam and shitposting practise. The catchphrase has also being associated with the Canadian actor, filmmaker, and comedian Seth Rogen,[4] known for featuring marijuana-related jokes or scenes on his movies, and used to criticise some kinds of comedy, under the phrasal template“Dude X Lmao”.
The first instance of the catchphrase can be found on a thread submitted on 4chan’s /tv/ board on July 15th, 2014, featuring a close-up photo of Seth Rogen’s face along with the message “DUDEWEEDLMAO”, as mockery of his tendency to feature stoner humor, seen as unfunny, on his movies.[1] The same thread also featured posts that mock of common Rogen’s comedy tropes, in similar fasion to the original post.

During the following weeks, a series of posts and threads with Seth Rogen’s pics and the catchphrase were created on /tv/, mostly because The Interview’s trailer release, spreading to other boards.[2][3] At some point the catchphrase also started being used as a way to refer to marijuana entusiast or defenders.[6][7][8] On September 16th, 2014, a thread asking for the meaning of the catchphrase was submited on /tv/.[5]
External References
[1]archive.moe – DUDEWEEDLMAO
[2]archive.moe – DUDEWEEDLMAO
[3]archive.moe – Search for dude weed lmao
[4]Wikipedia – Seth Rogen
[6]archive.moe – I think we can safely agree Edge of Tomorrow’s Emily Blunt is the WOTY, right?
[7]archive.moe – Post your battlestation
[8]archive.moe – Skandinavia