Christ-chan is a fictional character created by 4chan’s Politically Incorrect (/pol/) board as a representation of Christianity.
On December 1, 2014, an anonymous /pol/ user created a thread discussing the use of anime-inspired images to convert people to Islam.[1] After some discussion, another user decided to take the concept of using cute anime-inspired art to convert people and apply it to Christianity. After some conceptualization, Christ-chan was created as a young Christian woman with auburn hair and blue eyes, and wearing a modest blue-green dress.
Christ-chan was well received by /pol/ who took to her as a new board mascot along the lines of a typical 4chan board anthropromorhism. New Christ-chan art was initially sparce; in February of 2015, however, Christ-chan posts became more popular and original content began to pick up.

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[1]4plebs – /pol/ – Politically Incorrect