Problematic Fave is a reaction image of an American actor Chris Evans laughing.
The reaction image originated from a Digital Spy video interview of the Avengers: Age of Ultron actors Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye) and Chris Evans (Captain America), released on April 22nd, 2015[1]. At the beginning of the video, the interviewer asked the question about shipping within the fandom, that the character Black Widow (portrayed by Scarlett Johansson) was shipped with both Hawkeye and Captain America but got together with Bruce Banner/The Hulk (portrayed by Mark Ruffalo). Jeremy to which replied “She’s a slut.” and Chris burst into laughter.
Following the release of the video, the actors got a lot of criticism and numerous accusations on slut shaming on various social media sites like Twitter and Tumblr.

On April 23rd, 2015, the video found its way to 4chan’s /tv/ (television and film) board[2], where the response was more positive. Following that, numerous reaction images and various other derivatives had been made, primarily featuring the a shot of Chris Evans laughing.

Various Examples