“I Bet The Jews Did This” is an exclamatory phrase, used in event of some kind of misfortune, to put blame on the people of Jewish origin. The phrase is often used in reaction images.
The original image macro (pictured below) was based off a stock image of an angry looking man holding tangled christmas lights[4]. On May 28th, 2009, after taking a caption at the bottom “I BETTHEJEWSDIDTHIS”, the image was posted on 4chan’s /b/ (random) board[1].

On October 5th, 2012, a Reddit user banned_from_all_subs uploaded a gif (pictured below, left) of soccer player Cristiano Ronaldo made to look like he’s saying “THEJEWSDIDTHIS”[2]. As of May 2015, the post had 829 upvotes. On March 27th, 2013, another gif in a similar vein, featuring Cristiano Ronaldo with a caption “COME ON, JEWS!”, was posted on Imgur[3].

On April 9th, 2013, redditor Wizuhd submitted on /r/thankspatriarchy an edited version of the original picture featuring Anita Sarkeesian’s face over the original and the caption “I bet the patriarchy did this!”.[5] In two years, the post received over 100 upvotes.

Various Examples

Search Interest
External References
[2]Reddit – The jews did this
[3]Imgur – Ronaldo frustrated at Jewish conspiracy to give Messi the ballon d’or
[4]ThinkStockPhotos – Angry Man With Christmas Lights
[5]/r/thankspatriarchy – The patriarchy strikes again!