A lost episode is a creepypasta story revolving around a disturbing and unseen episode of a TV series that creeped out and frightened its viewers. A typical lost episode creepypasta has the main character of a show acting out of the ordinary and doing paranomal and creepy things, like talking about an event that hasn’t happened yet.
The first lost episode creepypasta was Suicide Mouse, which was posted on YouTube[1] by user Nec1[2]. As of January 4th, 2015, the video has reached 981,281 views.
After the video went viral, the pasta was posted multiple times on 4chan’s /x/ board, leading users to create their own lost episode pastas. On January 19th, 2010, Dead Bart was posted in a Suicide Mouse thread on GameFAQs.com[3]. On April 6th, 2010, Squidward’s Suicide was uploaded to 7chan’s /x/ board by Reddit user SuicideSquidward[4].
Popular Lost Episode Creepypastas
Suicide Mouse– An old 1930s Mickey Mouse cartoon which features him walking down a poorly drawn street while random piano keys play in the background. After a minute the music turns into static and the video cuts to black. When it comes back it’s corrupted with a woman screaming, after a while you can see Mickey’s eyes roll off his head like two marbles in a fishbowl. In the end it displays Russian text.
Squidward’s Suicide– The story is about an man who describes a disturbing episode he saw during his internship at Nickelodeon. The episode starts with Squidward Tentacles failing another clarinet recital. After the booing and some creepy minutes of Squidward looking at the camera, flashes of dead bodies and listening to murmurs, he walks home, points a shotgun at his face with screams in the background telling him to do it, and kills himself.
Dead Bart– The story is about the death of Bart Simpson after getting sucked out of an airplane window.
Happy Appy– A show about an apple who helps kids in need, it seemed suitable for Nick Jr. at first, but got darker as the show progressed. The narrator is a a man who wants to know more about the show, while being stalked by the show’s creator, Freddrick Gorgote, whom he dubs “Forenzik”.
Search Interest
External References
[1]YouTube – Suicide Mouse – Unseen Freaky Footage
[3]GameFAQs – Cartoons and Animation Message Board[Archive]
[4]Reddit – SuicideSquidward
[5]Creepypasta Wiki – Lost Episodes