ME!ME!ME! is the name of a song by Japanese electronic artist Teddyloid whose accompied animated music video managed to find fame in the anime community due to its high animation quality, mature content, catchy music, and prominent and attractive female lead; whereas the ambivolent nature of the film led to many viewers trying to figure out and understand its enigmatic meaning.
The music video for the song was announced[4] on November 17, 2014, and released[1] on November 21 as part of Neon Genesis Evangelion creator Hideki Anno’s Studio Khara’s Japan Animator Expo.[2] The music in the video comes from electronic artist Teddyloid with lyrics by daoko; with Hibiki Yoshizaki as the planner and main/technical director, and Shuichi Iseki for character design and the animation director. The video shows a young man “attacked and ravished by many girls,” according to the video description.
[NSFW: Mature Content]
Following the release of the video, many praised it due to its high quality animation, perceived strangeness, mature content, catchy music, and, most notably, its enigmatic message. Particular focus has also been shown on Mimi, the female character from the video.
In the days following the preview- and video release, it was reported by several anime sites such as AnimeNewsNetwork.[3][7] The video also gained notable attention on 4chan’s /a/ board, where several threads were created since its release,[5][6] which managed to reach the post limit of 500 posts several times.[8][9][10] Other places where the video caught on were on NeoGaf[11] and Tumblr.[12] Image Boorus, such as Danbooru[13] and Gelbooru,[14] also quickly featured dozens of pieces of fanart following the video release.
Various Examples
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External References
[1]Japan Animator Expo – ME!ME!ME! / November 21, 2014 (NSFW: Explicit Content)
[2]Japan Animator Expo – News / November 17, 2014
[3]AnimeNewsNetwork – Khara’s Japan Animator Expo Posts TeddyLoid Music Video /
[4]Japan Animator Expo – ME!ME!ME! Preview / November 17, 2014
[5]Archive.moe – Is ME!ME!ME! the On Your Mark of our times?
[6]Archive.moe – Has Anno saved anime yet?
[7]AnimeNewsNetwork – 3rd Animator Expo Short is “ME!ME!ME!” TeddyLoid Music Video
[8]Archive.moe – I feel like we need more threads about this masterpiece
[9]Archive.moe – Lets have another lengthy thread about this masterpiece shall we?
[10]Archive.moe – Lets talk about the masterpiece that is this short
[11]NeoGaf – Short anime video by Studio Khara
[12]Tumblr – Tagged: ‘me!me!me!’
[13]Danbooru – Tagged: ‘me!me!me!’(NSFW: Explicit Content)
[14]Gelbooru – Tagged: ‘me!me!me!’(NSFW: Explicit Content)