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Manoj Night Shyamalan (also name M. Night Shyamalan) is an movie director who made some a film of: The Sixth Sense, Signs and The Last Airbender[1].
Related Memes
What a Twist!
“What a Twist!” is an expression referencing the signature plot twists. The phrase was originally quoted in an episode of the Adult Swim cartoon show Robot Chicken titled “The Twist,” aired on April 17th, 2005. In the episode, a clay-animated character parodying M. Night Shyamalan says the line after a twist ending is revealed.
I See Dead People
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“I See Dead People” is a memorable quote from the 1999 supernatural horror film The Sixth Sense. On the web, both the original line and its snowclone variations have been used to mock a particular group of people for their behaviors or stereotypes.
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The Last Airbender Casting Controversy (known as Racebending) began in December of 2008, when Entertainment Weekly published the a list of the leading cast members for the upcoming film The Last Airbender , based on the Nickelodeon series Avatar: The Last Airbender . Many fans were outraged to see that director had chosen an all-white cast to play the leading characters, who were all reputably Asian and Inuit in the cartoon version. This is a common Hollywood tactic known as “whitewashing”. A few months later, pop singer Jesse McCartney, who was to play the main antagonist Zuko, was replaced by Dev Patel due to the filming conflicting with McCartney’s tour dates. Many speculated that this would end the race controversy, since Patel was Indian. However, Patel’s addition to the cast only fuelled the controversy, as fans cited that the only leading minority was cast as the film’s villain.
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External Links
[1]Wikipedia – M. Night Shyamalan
[1]Wikipedia – M. Night Shyamalan