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Gender Swapping



Gender Swapping refers to the common fandom practice of swapping the gender of a popular character while having them retain the basics of their appearance and personality within fanfiction or fan art.

Online History

On January 4th, 2007, Urban Dictionary[2] user Velvet Mace submitted an entry for genderswitch, which defined it as:

“1. A type of “what if” fanfic where one (or more) of the characters is the opposite gender from canon but otherwise has the same personality and back-story. This can either happen as a part of the plot, or simply be a given. Most often it is a male character that is turned female, in which he is referred to as femme!character or girl!character. The female equivalent is male!character.

2. Fanart where the character is the opposite gender from canon."

Rue 63

Rule 63 is an internet adage which states that for every fictional character, there exists an opposite-gender counterpart. It is considered a notable tenet of the anonymously-written Rules of the Internet, next to Rules 1 & 2 and Rule 34.

For every given male character, there is a female version of that character.
For every given female character, there is a male version of that character.

Rule 63 was first introduced as part of the expanded edition of Anonymous’ Rules of the Internet, most likely published in the summer of 2007, based on Google Insights. The Urban Dictionary entry for “Rule 63” was first submitted by user InternetHateMachine on August 8th, 2007.


On May 19th, 2007, LiveJournal[9] user musesfool published a list of fan fiction titled “Recs: Genderswap (Wincest, het, gen).” On June 15th, 2008, LiveJournal[10] user chelseafrew published a request titled “Request for Stories: Genderswap.” On March 21st, 2010, LiveJournal[11] user marlowe78 published a post titled “Longer Genderswap.” On August 3rd, 2013, LiveJournal[12] user wcstoryfinder published a post titled “Genderswap AUs?”


On November 9th, 2011, the Tumblr account fuckyeahgenderswap[5] was created. There are also several fandom specific gender swap Tumblr blogs including disneygenderbender[6], which was created on February 16th, 2014, and sherlockgenderswap[7], which was created on August 3rd, 2011.


On July 22nd, 2011, the DeviantArt group genderbender-lovers[4] was created, as of October 2014, the group has gained over 600 members and over 70,000 page views. Other gender swap groups on the site include mlpgenderswap[13] and startrek-genderswap.[14] As of October 2014, DeviantArt[3] has over 19,000 pieces of fan art tagged gender swap.

Media Coverage

On May 18th, 2011, Buzzfeed[8] published a fan art collection titled “Strange Gender Swap Fan-Art.” On October 2nd, 2012, Femininemiss Geek[16] published a post titled “Your Gender Swap Fan Art of the Day.” On April 9th, 2014, Geeky Tyrant[15] published a post titled “Daring and Delightful Genderswap Art Series.”

Notable Examples

Search Interest

External References

[1]Urban Dictionary – genderswitch

[2]Urban Dictionary – Rule 63

[3]DeviantArt – gender swap

[4]DeviantArt – genderbender-lovers

[5]Tumblr – fuckyeahgenderswap

[6]Tumblr – disneygenderbender

[7]Tumblr – sherlockgenderswap

[8]Buzzfeed – Strange Gender Swap Fan-Art

[9]LiveJournal – musesfool

[10]Live Journal – twstoryfinder

[11]Live Journal – spnstoryfinders

[12]Live Journal – wcstoryfinder

[13]DeviantArt – mlpgenderswap

[14]DeviantArt – startrek-genderswap

[15]Geeky Tyrant – Daring and Delightful Genderswap Art Series

[16]Femininemiss Geek – Your Gender Swap Fan Art of the Day

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