“Scrub” is an Internet slang term, used in a similar vein to Noob, it is commonly used as an insult, describing a person as useless or bad. It is also used in conjunction with Rekt and Git Gud
On December 29, 2008, Urban Dictionary[1] user Chirus_Fire submitted an entry for the term “Scrub”, defining it as someone who is bad at a videogame or activity in general. The definition also gives some history about the term, saying that it originates from Street Fighter 2.
A scrub is a now generalized term used as a synonym for a “noob” or “newb,” which is someone who is bad at a video game or activity in general.The term derives from Street Fighter II, to describe some players that were so bad that they would mash their hands across the control pad, an act known as "scrubbing.
Multiple discussions have been made asking what “Rekt” means on Yahoo Answers[2] .
It is quite common to see the term “Rekt” on gaming forums, such as Gamefaqs[3] and Steam Powered User Forums[4]
On February 4, 2011, League of Legends[5] forum user Urban Ranger posted a discussion asking what “Scrub” meant.
Search Interest
External References
[1]Urban Dictionary – Scrub / 12-29-2008
fn2. Yahoo! Answers – What Is A Scrub In Slang?
fn3. Gamefaqs – Guys how do you define a scrub? everyone in the fighting game community / 12-16-2011
fn4. Steam Powered User Forums – Scrub
fn5. whats a scrub? / 2-4-2011