On the 4th of June, 2013, Niall Horan posted a tweet reading:
Came in last night! Jumped on my bed and broke it! So had to sleep on the couch! not the best nights sleep I’ve ever had ! #NoInnuendos
Fans started to reply to his tweet, he then posted another:
Lookin at the replies to bed tweet! U guys are nuts ahaha! not one non- sexual tweet! ##crazymofos
#crazymofos hashtag soon started trending, Niall then posted:
Hahaha the trends ! You lot are mad ! #crazymofos !
@malikyourface_ posted a tweet to Horan, reading:
niall so wants to change the fandom name to #crazymofos
Niall then responded: “let’s do it!”
Crazy mofos started to make it’s way on to tumblr, and directioners (fans of One Direction) started to call theirselves, Crazy Mofos.
Niall then posted an image on Instagram
Niall started wearing these t-shirts at concerts.
People now have started making them, and you can purchase them online.