Not Cool, Zeus is a phrase used to describe a trivially uncool action taken by someone in a position of arbitrary power.
“Late Night with Conan O’Brien” aired a well loved [1] skit called “Satellite Channels” featuring "a channel that’s called “Not Cool, Zeus”" wherein Zeus (played by Matt Walsh [2]), the Greek god and master of Olympus, eats his roommate’s burrito, sweats on gym equipment without toweling it off, and cannonball’s into a pool getting two people wet.
The phase, and it’s short form NCZ, has been referenced on MySpace profiles [3]:

Flickr [4]:

as well as Facebook [5] and other social forums [6].
External References
1 Blog – I “Get” Conan O’Brien: Why So Many Americans Support Team Coco Over Jay Leno Referenced 2013-05-13
2IMDB– Matt Walsh Referenced 2013-05-13
3 MySpace – Zeus Hates Your Space Downloaded 2013-05-13
4 Flickr – Not Cool Zeus Downloaded 2013-05-13
5 Facebook – Not Cool Zeus and the Mt Olympus Jam Crew Referenced 2013-05-13
6 VWVortex – Generic meme usage Referenced 2013-05-13